I have used Neuroptimal Neurofeedback for many years in a special school with excellent results ,particularly for students with ADHD. Neurofeedback has been used for decades to reinforce healthy brain functions. The benefits of neurofeedback training provides positive impacts on mood regulation, issues of attention, and sleep patterns .
Dr. Lauren Silbert, Ph.D., a neuroscientist from Princeton University, contends that neurofeedback brain training technology is solid, and the science is well-established.
Previous research reported a positive correlation between enhanced brain activities during brain training and improved cognitive functions. The research team at Tohoku university was eager to discover whether brain training with greater brain activity via neurofeedback would positively impact cognitive performance.
To do so, participants in the study were divided into three groups. One group received brain training with neurofeedback; another received brain training only; and the last group were simply asked to play a puzzle game for 20 minutes every day for four weeks.
According to Rui Nouchi, associate professor, Tohoku University they found that participants who did brain training with neurofeedback showed considerable improvements in episodic memory, working memory, and attention.
Details of the study were published in the journal Brain Sciences.
The challenge is equitable access that isn’t just obtainable for the privileged and resourced but the masses. Brain training over the last decade has been costly, requiring both time and money to realize the full benefits of the technology. The neuroptimal is not cheap. Several years ago it cost us, including the training, over £12,000. It is not easily portable.I support people outside of school and wanted something that was more easily portable but with the same results .
I researched many and decided to trial Mendi. It is a headset that can be used with an iPhone . Mendi focused on what consumers have been accustomed to – portable devices, smartphones, apps, and gamified experiences. Then devised their device to suit the consumer market. It is currently on offer for $349 . You do not need to sit with a client. They will be in charge of when, where, time etc but Neurofeedback training is similar to physical exercise training in that you need to do it regularly to get results and mprovement in executive functioning. The person using it needs to set up a routine and be consistent if they want to see results. Focus on the screen and be aware of the experience .
Most consumer neurofeedback brain training is based on measuring electroencephalography (EEG) or brainwaves. However, functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) neurofeedback detects changes in the brain’s local blood flow and oxygenation in response to neural activation.#RickardEklof, co-founder from Mendi states “ Mendi (fNIRS] technology measures the brain’s response to activation changes, allowing for much more efficient and precise neurofeedback training,”
When you train with Mendi, the combination of neurofeedback and visual cues increases oxygenation and blood flow to the pre frontal cortex (PFC).
It should come as no surprise that stress fundamentally changes the body’s physiology, with side effects like blood becoming more prone to clotting and the amygdala (the part of your brain accountable for stress response) going into high alert. This wreaks havoc on your prefrontal cortex (PFC), the area of your brain responsible for sustaining high focus.
Executive function can be thought of as the brain’s conductor of an orchestra as it were which tells different parts of the brain to perform or be silent and coordinates their activity .I have found Neurofeedback particularly useful for supporting executive functioning training.
What does Executive Function do?
Executive function is vital in helping us
Pay attention,
- Switch our focus,
- Plan and organise,
- Task setting and problem solving,
- Make decisions,
- Manage time,
- Inhibiting habitual patterns and
- Remember things in the short-term.
When our executive function is not up to scratch it can result in,
- trouble controlling impulses and emotions,
- problems planning and completing tasks,
- trouble paying attention or paying attention,
- an inability to balance tasks or multi-task,
- difficulties problem-solving,
- difficulties learning, and
- short-term memory issues.
- Executive function is like the CEO of your brain. When things need to be controlled, the prefrontal cortex part of our brain is the one to coordinate and control what happens. We use this for paying attention, switching tasks, planning, problem solving and remembering things in the short term.
Mendi is a portable method of Neurofeedback which helps executive functioning Stanford, Princeton, the University of Gothenburg, and the University of North Dakota, have engaged in ongoing research with Mendi.
Mendi was also brought in to play a central role in NASA’s research to understand better the impact space can have on the brain. NASA’s Dr. Alan Pope, Ph.D., believes that technologies like Mendi will be commonplace in due time, stating, “Some people might be skeptical now, but within ten years, no one will.”
Gemma Fisher ,director of the Formula Health Consultancy and working with Formula 1 racers claims that neurofeedback brain training is pivotal to the health and safety of the sport.
“We know that the prefrontal cortex is a crucial region of the brain for decision-making, planning, and attention; therefore, optimizing the function of this area is critical. Brain health is the key whether you are an athlete in high-performing sports, a ‘corporate’ athlete making high-stakes business decisions, or just attempting to operate at your best.”
Mendi’s CEO #MohaBensofia says of Mendi “ I am chasing innovation that can educate, improve life for others and that I can be proud of.”
I have found Neurofeedback life changing for some students. It is becoming easier and cost effective for parents to help their child in their own home thanks to companies like #Mendi.
I have used Mendi with young people ,a 10 yr old, a 7 yr old and a 5 yr old. All of them enjoyed using it . One of them has used it consistently and claims he can think more clearly. I also am trialling it on myself.
Therapeutic and technological interventions work. There is no need to drug a child.
Like Bensofia , I too chase innovations that can educate and improve the lives of others . Find out about the many that are available by reading my books or watching my videos on YouTube. Thank you.