Mandala comes from the Sanskrit word which means sacred circle .
The primary objective of creating a mandala is to promote serenity and reflection. These beautiful geometric designs have been known to help reduce stress and anxiety in children because of their #meditative nature. The process is as important as viewing the finished work.
Many religions,Indian, Tibetan ,Taoism incorporate mandalas into their spiritual practices .
. Children can find drawing mandalas to be a very centering and expressive activity. My 11 yr old granddaughter designed and created this mandala on my garden wall.
She is due to start comprehensive school next week . I think her beautiful art work took her mind off the apprehensive thoughts.
For some children Art is the therapy that takes them to their happy place. What works for you ? A 5 mile run? Gardening? Whatever it is make time for it . Therapies work. Just find the right one that works for YOU.